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Frequently Asked Radon Questions

Q – Does your company offer radon testing?
A – Yes, we offer some of the highest quality radon testing services in the Dayton Area. We run a minimum 48-hour test using a small continuous radon monitor that measures the hourly radon level inside your home. The hourly levels then get built into a report that lets us know your homes average radon level. You will receive a certified radon report that is published in a locked PDF file that cannot be altered.

Q – How do I know I can trust your report since your company does radon mitigation too?
A – This is understandably a concern for a lot of homeowners. We want to make sure you feel completely and totally comfortable with the report you receive from us, so, we have partnered up with an outside company called Radalink. They provide and service all the monitors we use, and create a certified radon report, which is published in a locked PDF file that cannot be altered. We even have the ability to input your email, so you receive your report when we do.

Q – How do I know if I have a radon problem?
A – Testing is the only way to know for sure if your home has a radon problem. Radon does not discriminate, ALL homes (below a third floor) should be tested because any type of home can have a high radon level.

Q – How long does it take to find out my radon level?
A – The test lasts for a minimum of 48 hours then after its completion, we typically get the results back within a few hours, on normal business days. If we end the test over a weekend or after normal business hours, we normally receive results first thing the next business day.

Q – Why is radon bad for my home?
A – Radon is not technically bad for your home itself; however, it is very bad for your health. As the radon gets in and builds up, you end up breathing in the radioactive particles that will damage your lung tissue and can lead to lung cancer. They can even cling to dust and other particles that will allow them to travel deep within the lungs.

Q – Are children more at risk from radon than adults?
A –According to ATSDR, Due to lung shape and size differences, children have higher estimated radiation doses than adults. Children also have breathing rates faster than those of adults. Risk of lung cancer in children resulting from exposure to radon may be almost twice as high as the risk to adults exposed to the same amount of radon. If children are also exposed to tobacco smoke, the risk of getting lung cancer increases at least 20 times.

Q – How did my radon problem happen?
A – Radon is formed down in the earth from the breakdown of radioactive elements such as uranium. Radon travels up through the ground to the earth’s surface, but when we build our homes and lay a foundation, we create a cap on the earth that blocks the radon’s path. As a result, it ends up working its way into your home through cracks or holes in your foundation, sump pits, underground piping or vents, etc. Once the radon enters it gets trapped and accumulates, then you breathe in those particles that will damage your healthy lung tissue and can eventually lead to lung cancer.

Q – What tools will you use to evaluate the problem?
A – We use highly specialized continuous radon monitors that are provided to us by an outside company called Radalink. They record the hourly radon levels in the home which then get built into a certified radon test report. All devices are frequently cross checked and sent annually to Radalink for calibration.

Q – What levels of radon are safe?
A – The EPA says that you should consider mitigation when the level is above 4.0pCi/l and higher. However, because there is no known safe level of exposure to radon, EPA also recommends that Americans consider fixing their home for radon levels between 2 pCi/L and 4 pCi/L.

Q – Can radon be deadly?
A – Yes, an estimated 21,000 people die each year in the United States from radon-related lung cancer. It is the second leading cause of lung cancer behind cigarette smoking, and the leading cause of lung cancer in non-smokers. Lung cancer is the deadliest form of cancer partially because it often goes undetected until it has spread to other areas of the body.

Q – Can you tell me how much radon is in my home?
A – Yes, we specialize in radon testing. The process is fast and simple, we run a 48-hour test using a small continuous radon monitor that measures the hourly radon level inside your home. The hourly levels get built into a report that lets us know your homes average indoor radon level.

Q – Are older homes more at risk for radon exposure?
A – Not necessarily. Older homes tend to be less sealed up and insulated. Homes that are less insulated and have more ventilation will trap less radon inside thus reducing your exposure level. However, ANY home can have a radon problem including old homes, new homes, homes with a basement AND homes without a basement.

Q – Could you test my rental property?
A – Yes, depending on the number of units in the building(s). Please reach out by phone or email to find out if we can help you through this process.

Q – Should I test my new construction home for radon?
A – ABSOLUTELY! Newer construction homes tend to be better sealed and insulated, meaning they will trap more radon inside thus increasing your exposure level. We also find that most new construction homes in our area tend to have basements, which homeowners are finishing and using as additional living spaces, especially bedrooms and playrooms for children.

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